Nyte Prowler

Alex P. Berg

Book 3 of Nyte Patrol

Language: English

Publisher: Batdog Press

Published: Jan 30, 2020


After going toe-to-toe with a malevolent demon spirit and coming out on top, supernatural consultant Lexie Rodriguez figures she’s due for a turn of good luck.

If only.

With her mentor Larry shutting her out, her friend Tank suffering from crippling depression, and the business on the verge of bankruptcy, it’s up to Lexie to pull the Nyte Patrol up by its bootstraps, but it’s hard to run a wizarding practice with only a couple weeks worth of magic under her belt.

It’s even harder to do it with a rival firm gunning for her business. Lexie knows she can handle corporate cutthroats, but can she keep it together when one of her own teammates goes rogue?