Music of the Soul 1, 2, & 3 Starter Bundle

Erik Schubach

Book 1.3 of Music of the Soul Series

Language: English

Publisher: Erik Schubach

Published: Mar 8, 2014

Pages: 538


This starter bundle features the first three books in the Music of the Soul series. Music of the Soul, A Deafening Whisper, and Dating Game.

Music of the Soul:
Mandy Harris, the rock world's bad girl, has lost her sense of self. Turning her back on the music she once loved, she returns to her hometown. After a chance meeting with Anabella, a deaf girl with a unique appreciation for music and life, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to her. Finding love, pain, and a new sense of self. Their passion gives them the strength to heal both of their pasts, and start again.

A Deafening Whisper:
Mia has lived a life full of harassment, for an affliction not many understand. She thought college would be different, her escape, after all, people there are more mature right? She was wrong. A rebellious girl, Vee, saves her from a bad situation and teaches her that every single day is a gift. A romance blooms between them that not even time can erase.

Dating Game:
Crystal is straight. She went to an exclusive lesbian bar, the Ballyhoo Club, to cheer up her gay best friend after a bad breakup. There Crystal meets Riley, a spunky and charismatic girl who mocks her about straight girl dating skills.

The two bet each other that they could take the other on a better date, the loser has to humiliate themselves at Ballyhoo. In a battle of escalating seduction the girls take each other on a series of dates where the lines between the game and reality are blurred.