Treasons, Stratagems and Spoils

H. A. Culley

Book 6 of Kings of Northumbria

Language: English

Published: Nov 8, 2017

Pages: 303


I haven't read a bad H.A.Culley book and I have read most of this author's work. I can recommend his books to anyone
Takes you back in time. I literally could not put this book down, but that goes for all of H A Culley's work.
A great read. HA Culley is up there with the best. A great story teller; cannot wait for next installment.
A good read for lovers of the Dark Ages period; well-paced, informative and placed in a time before the Vikings.
The book is very well researched and I enjoyed it. Kept me turning the pages.

It is a time when no-one is safe, least of all the king who sits on the throne of Northumbria. The kingdom is beset by enemies within and without. The Picts covet Lothian in the north and the Britons of Strathclyde have designs upon Cumbria, whilst Offa of Mercia is busy trying to make himself the master of all England. But the worst threat comes from within; the noble houses fight amongst themselves using assassination, rebellion and banishment to seize the crown. No less than ten kings sit on the throne in the space of thirty two years.
Seofon, the son of the Ealdorman of Bebbanburg, is born into this turmoil and has to tread a careful path if he and his family are to survive. Estranged from his father due to a stupid argument, he serves various kings faithfully, earning a name for himself as a warrior, strategist and diplomat. However, he eventually picks the wrong side and he is forced into exile with his wife and children. When he returns they are abducted and he races to rescue them before it’s too late.
Seofon must depose his enemy and put a king on the throne who can re-unite the kingdom if it is to survive. How he does this and exacts revenge on his enemies makes an enthralling story in this, the sixth of H A Culley’s novels set in Anglo-Saxon England just before the coming of the Vikings.