The Social Diary

Ros Reines

Language: English

Publisher: Allen & Unwin

Published: Feb 2, 2015


When Savannah Stephens returns to her hometown Sydney after a stint as a music journalist in London, she is thrown into the burgeoning world of society parties and the excesses of the eighties social scene.

Savannah's first job back on home soil is as the editor of the newly created Social Diary. Her days are spent battling old fashioned newspaper colleagues, who frown upon the so-called 'women's pages' and tut when her stories make front page splashes.

By night she is awash in a sea of expensive champagne at the biggest and best parties the city has to offer. It is there that she collides with the unbelievable characters and larger-than-life personalities who are fast becoming legendary for their jaw-dropping antics.

Will Savannah manage to prove her critics wrong or will she be distracted by a very handsome yet mysterious man?

Funny and satirical, The Social Diary reads at times like an extended version of Ros Reines' real-life gossip column feature Guess Who Don't Sue, and is written by someone who has been through it all and lived to tell the tale.
