Moscow Rules

Robert Moss

Language: English

Publisher: Pocket Books

Published: Dec 1, 1984


Yuri Andropov is dead, and the shaky succession of Konstantin Chernenko leaves Russia in turmoil.

Like many others Sasha Preobrazhensky has become disillusioned with Moscow.

He learns that his WWII-hero father didn't die in action, but was murdered, by fledgling KGB thug Topchy, while trying to save a German child from Soviet rape.

So Sasha vows revenge on the Soviet system, determined to destroy it from within.

Sasha joins the GRU and finds his first key ally in Captain Zaytsev, head of the GRU's special-forces training.

After service in the Afghanistan invasion Sasha begins putting his coup into action…

Can Sasha undermine the Russian system from within?

Or will someone else beat him to it...?

‘Moscow Rules’ is classic Cold War thriller, with an insider's view of high-style Moscow life, Russian espionage operations in the United States, and the inner corridors of the KGB's intelligence machine.