
Tad Williams

Book 3 of Shadowmarch

Language: English

Publisher: DAW

Published: Jan 1, 2010

Pages: 769


The penultimate volume in Tad Williams's first epic fantasy series since his bestselling Memory, Sorrow and Thorn. **

With King Olin imprisoned and Prince Kendrick slain, the royal twins Barrick and Briony have been forced to flee their homeland. But both families and nations can hide dark and terrible secrets. Even if Barrick and Briony survive learning the astonishing truths at the heart of their own family and of Southmarch itself, they must find a way to reclaim their kingdom and rescue their home-from traitors, tyrants, a god-king, and even the angry gods themselves.


From Booklist

The third novel in Williams’ Shadowmarch series sees his characters in great trouble. The crippled Prince Barrick has fallen over the Shadowline, where he is eventually befriended by an ancient Qar’ (i.e., fairy) king, though for the king’s own purposes. Princess Briony has landed in a foreign court with only her wits to protect her. Southmarch Castle, home of the prince and the princess, is besieged by the Qar’, and their father has been captured by the mad Autarch of Xis, who wants to use King Olin to release an ancient power. And all that is just at the book’s outset. Williams builds strongly on the plots of Shadowmarch (2004) and Shadowplay (2007), which he summarizes here because knowing them is absolutely necessary to enjoying this book. A fourth volume, Shadowheart, is due at the end of 2010. --Frieda Murray


"A master storyteller, equally adept at whatever genre chosen, and often on a grand scale."

A thrill ride...will enchant established fans and win new converts. ("Publishers Weekly," starred review) A page-turner. ("Booklist")