The Light Country Trilogy

Ray Cummings

Language: English

Publisher: Renaissance E Books

Published: Apr 13, 2009

Pages: 346


Fans of Burrough's Barsoom will Love this Classic Trilogy of Winged Women's Fight for Freedom! Set on Mercury as they thought it might be in the early part of the 20th century, Ray Cummings' Tama of the Light Country, tells of a winged princess from what was thought to be the habitable portion of Mercury, a belt of twilight that circled a world too hot on one side and too cold on the other to support life anywhere else. In rebellion against a repressive, male-dominated society, Tama meets Guy Palisse, who shares her outrage at the way women are mistreated on Mercury. Together with like-minded women and men, they lead a fight for freedom for the women of Mercury that will have tragic, unintended consequences for Earth. In Tama, Princess of Mercury, Guy and Tama's triumph at the end of Book I is about to turn to disaster, for barbarian hoards from Mercury's dark side have seized spaceships, followed them, and even now are sweeping down on the unsuspecting Earth. To prevent the people of the twilight belt from joining the battle on our planet's side, the barbarian leaders' plan is to kidnap Tama and use her as a hostage. And, Tama is alone, pirouetting through Earth's evening sky. Aerita of the Light Country is Cummings' final novel of the winged women of Mercury. Years have passed, the doings of Tama, Princess of Mercury have become the stuff of legend to the women of the Light Country. But now tyranny threatens the winged-daughters of the first planet again and one fearless young woman, Aerita, inspired by the stories of Tama locates Guy Palisse's legendary spacecar and blasts-off for Earth in search of help. There she finds herself a prisoner in a traveling menagerie, takencaptive and presented to the public as a strange creature from South America. Then Alan Grant steps into the tawdry sideshow where Aerita is behind held. Argosy magazine said, "As a flight of pure imagination, plus a most unusual scientific knowledge, and plus again a rare power of fantasy and delicate romance Cummings' has few equals." Don't miss this legendary science fiction trilogy, together for the first time in one inexpensive bargain Omnibus Edition.