
Gordon Doherty

Book 1 of Legionary

Language: English

Publisher: Youwriteon

Published: Apr 16, 2011


The Roman Empire is crumbling, and a shadow looms in the east…

376 AD: the Eastern Roman Empire is alone against the tide of barbarians swelling on her borders. Emperor Valens juggles the paltry border defences to stave off invasion from the Goths north of the Danube. Meanwhile, in Constantinople, a pact between faith and politics spawns a lethal plot that will bring the dark and massive hordes from the east crashing down on these struggling borders.

The fates conspire to see Numerius Vitellius Pavo, enslaved as a boy after the death of his legionary father, thrust into the limitanei, the border legions, just before they are sent to recapture the long-lost eastern Kingdom of Bosporus. He is cast into the jaws of this plot, so twisted that the survival of the entire Roman world hangs in the balance…


About the Author

I'm a Scottish writer, addicted to reading and writing historical fiction. My love of history was piqued during spells living and working close to both Hadrian's Wall and the Antonine Wall, sites of rich history winding back through thousands of years. The later Roman Empire and Byzantium hold a particular fascination for me. I list many fine authors amongst my influences, including: Simon Scarrow, David Gemmell, Sam Barone, Conn Iggulden, Simon Turney, Bernard Cornwell, Ben Kane & Valerio Massimo Manfredi. I also enjoy reading and writing sci-fi and black comedy. My Legionary series is set in the Eastern Roman Empire circa 376 AD and follows the adventures of the border legions as the empire begins to waver under the relentless crush of barbarians from the east and the north. My Strategos trilogy is set around the build up to the Battle of Manzikert in 1071 AD and follows the dark and troubled life of a Byzantine general in a land riven with bloodshed and doubt. All of my novels are available from good online stores in paperback and eBook format. Happy reading! www.gordondoherty.co.uk