
Patrick Logan

Book 2 of Family Values Trilogy

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Mar 25, 2016

Pages: 305


How far would you go to protect your only child?

Arielle Reigns has it all: a loving husband, a beautiful home, a successful business. Arielle has everything, except the thing she wants most: a child. But that all changes when a mysterious woman promises that she can help Arielle conceive. That she can guarantee it. But as with all guarantees, this one comes with conditions, specific criteria that must be met… …and when it comes time to uphold her end of the bargain, Arielle can’t stomach the consequences. When her new life begins to crumble around her, she thinks she has made a deal with the devil. Soon, as things transition from bad to worse, she realizes that she’s wrong—she has made a pact with something far worse. Arielle has made a deal with Mother. Desperate people do desperate things, and there is no one more desperate than a mother trying to protect her only child. There is no one more desperate than Arielle Reigns.

From the author of the best-selling Insatiable Series comes a terrifying new novel of despair, desperation, and desire. Grab your copy of the dark thriller Mother today!

Warning: This book contains disturbing imagery. If you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or generally squeamish about birth-related issues, perhaps it is better to look elsewhere.


"Vividly chilling. Disturbingly hypnotic. Logan does it again." - Amazon Reviewer "Desperation obviously drives us to do illogical things. Highly recommended." - Goodreads Reviewer
"... well done, scary as heck..." -Amazon Reviewer
"Solid story telling that will make your skin [crawl]... the writing/story is on par with the likes of Edward Lee and the darker side of King and Hill." - Goodreads Reviewer
"I have never read anything this creepy in a long time!" - Amazon Reviewer