Direct Evidence

Patrick Logan

Book 10 of Chase Adams FBI Thriller

Language: English

Publisher: Pathological Ink

Published: Mar 26, 2022

Pages: 436


FBI Special Agent Chase Adams is shocked when an old friend reaches out to her for help... she's even more surprised to find out that he’s been charged with murder.

Chase doesn’t believe it, but it’s hard to ignore the mountain of evidence against him: GPS data showing his car was at the scene, gunshot residue on his right hand, and most damning of all, a video of him committing the murder.

The problem? He’s never fired a gun and he doesn’t even know the man he’s supposedly killed. Things become even more muddled when the victim is revealed to oversee the creation of the most realistic metaverse ever. An exclusive virtual world full of possibilities, dreams, and nightmares.

As Chase digs deeper into the crime, her already tenuous hold on reality begins to waver. Soon, she begins to question the very nature of reality. And before long, she finds herself questioning whether a crime has actually been committed… and where.

The only undeniable fact is that if Chase doesn’t navigate the increasingly blurred lines between reality and the metaverse, she just might be the next victim in both worlds.

Order your copy of the mind-bending 10th book in the best-selling Chase Adams series today!