Sherlock Holmes and the Egyptian Hall Adventure

Val Andrews

Book 3 of Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Language: English

Publisher: Lume Books

Published: Jan 1, 1993

Pages: 100


Here is another wonderful Sherlock Holmes Pastiche from the prolific pen of Val Andrews. The author has a vast knowledge of conjuring and of Sherlockiana and in this exciting mystery he is able to combine both of his lifelong interests.
The Egyptian Hall, Maskelyne's theatre of mystery, forms the perfect backdrop for this the most exciting and unusual adventure ever embarked upon by the famous sleuth and his faithful Boswell, Dr. Watson.
The loss of an article of great value - the property of a titled lady - by a conjurer during the course of a stage trick is but the prelude to intrigue, mystery and murder most foul. But hush we can say no more...the game is afoot! Be sure that you are fully prepared for adventure before jumping into a hansom and returning to an age when the old Queen was still upon her throne and the fogs swirled through Baker Street.
Here is a real scorpion of a story with a sting in its tail to confound all concerned save Sherlock Holmes!
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