The Brutus Lie

John J. Gobbell

Language: English

Publisher: St. Martin's

Published: Jan 1, 1991

Pages: 422


“Readers will be rewarded by a knowledgeable presentation of modern minisub technology, and the extended escape-and-evasion narrative...” —Publisher’s Weekly

For 35 years, they were separated by the cold war.

Lofton is a US Navy SEAL.

Dobrynyn is Russian Spetsnaz.

They’re not just the deadliest of enemies: they’re brothers.

And they’re about to be reunited….

From John J. Gobbell comes a heart-pounding adventure that races from the Pacific depths to the most extraordinary truth of all.

What readers are saying:

★★★★★ "Great story idea the Brutus Lie was a great read."

★★★★★ "...the story about the relationship between the two brothers is very well done..."

★★★★★ "Gobbell's characters come to life. You feel you know them. Intriguing plotwork."

About the Author

JOHN J. GOBBELL is a former Navy Lieutenant who saw duty as a destroyer weapons officer. His ship served in the South China Sea, granting him membership in the exclusive Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club. As an executive recruiter, his clients included military/commercial aerospace companies giving him insight into character development under a historical thriller format. The Last Lieutenant is the first of six stand-alone novels in the Todd Ingram series. The most recent is: Dead Man Launch, A novel of the Cold War. Altogether, John has written eight novels involving U.S. Navy action and is currently at work on his ninth, At Danger's Ebb. He and his wife Janine live in Newport Beach, California. He can be reached at