My Soul to Take

Meg Anne

Language: English

Publisher: Words that Sparkle

Published: Jan 1, 2023


My Sin? Falling in love.

People say, "Go to Hell," like it's a place. It is. But it's also a state of existence, one with which I'm intimately familiar.

What else would you expect for one of the damned, though? You know, those of us who’ve been cast out. The Fallen Ones.

We’re all doomed to an existence of absolute suffering for daring to piss off the Big Guy.

So what’s my hell?

Knowing what true love is and being forced to spend the rest of my immortal life without it.

My Soul to Take is a standalone forbidden love meets fated mates romance that explores how far a fallen angel will go for a second chance to save her soulmate.

Content Note: This book deals with terminal illness. Please check the author's website for all other content and trigger warnings.