Hearts Entwined: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Melissa Anne

Language: English

Published: Nov 1, 2023

Pages: 306


A slightly more immature Elizabeth Bennet meets Fitzwilliam Darcy London two years earlier than in canon. As a second son, Darcy has chosen the life of a barrister so there are fewer obstacles in their way, and they quickly fall in love. Using the fortune left to him upon his father's death, he invested with Gardiner to make his own fortune, making it easier for the two to wed, along with a legacy set aside for second sons by Darcy's grandfather, the late Earl of Matlock

Despite this, our dear couple's path is not always easy, as challenges arise as they marry and come together. A vile Mrs. Bennet and Jane's resentment over Elizabeth's good fortune cast shadows over their happiness. The presence of George Wickham and the manoeuvrings of Caroline Bingley further complicate their path. However, despite these tribulations or perhaps because of them, they learn together to surmount them, ultimately weaving their hearts even more profoundly together.