
Brad Stucki

Book 3 of Guardian War

Language: English

Published: Feb 6, 2021

Pages: 245


Javin has a plan . . . to capture his evil twin, steal back two Articles of Power, and along the way recover his lost memories.

Oh yes, he also has to avenge a murder and save the galaxy from annihilation.

All in a day's work.

From inside a pyramid he steps through a portal and ends up on a different world, a subterranean world with a new race of people he’s never seen before.

Javin hoped they’d have some answers, but these people are as clueless as he is; even though he has it on good authority they are supposed to help him save the galaxy.

Instead, all he and his loyal friend Sauros, find is a world under siege from a totally unexpected direction.

This attack is aimed at giving the people plenty, then taking over their hearts. Of course, it all ends in their destruction, but how do you fight that?

Javin and Sauros know Nemesis is behind it but haven't a clue how to stop it. It’s evident Nemesis is using the two Articles of Power he's stolen to control -- and eventually kill -- their new friends.

And the people are blissfully going along with it all. In fact, they’re trying to deliver Javin and Sauros to Nemesis on a platter.

There’s only one true ally they have. She’s this world's Keeper. She isn’t popular with her people, but she has the 'Gift'. And with that 'Gift' she can discern that Javin and Sauros are really the good guys, even if no one else will listen.

She also has the key to the Archive, a repository where knowledge of the Ancients is stored. That's exactly what they need!

Yet there’s no time. Nemesis is closing in, the people are ignorantly waiting for death, and the Archive isn’t working as they'd hoped.

There’s only one thing they can do. Step into a trap they probably won't survive. Still, it’s the only thing they can think of. Maybe they'll get lucky.

Considering how their luck is running so far, they aren't counting on it. Well, it’s a plan, feeble as it is. And there is still the hidden 3rd Article of Power.

If they can access that, it might even the odds a bit. But only if Nemesis doesn’t get it first. If that happens, they can kiss the galaxy goodbye.

Meanwhile the Guardians, who’re supposedly watching over things, are just getting in the way.

This science fantasy thriller contains Guardians, Gateways, Time Travel and Mystery. If you like exotic Space Opera or fast-paced Adventure with wry humor, you'll like this.

It’s the 3rd book in the 5 book Guardian War series.

Get it now.