
Sunshine Somerville

Book 1 of The Alt-World Chronicles

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Nov 21, 2017

Pages: 223


Ever have a nightmare where you’re naked in public? What if everyone else in the room was also naked…and also a version of yourself? That’s the reality Esme Kuchis finds herself in, and soon things get even weirder.She’s not in her Kansas City anymore. This alternate world is home to an ancient, secret Order with a king, conjuri magicians, cavali fighters, and dozens of paranormal races. And the purpose of this magical Order? They protect an unsuspecting public from malevolenci, demonic beasts from otherworldly rifts.As an alterni summoned to this world, Esme must partner with the king and fight using magic only an alterni can wield. Unfortunately, the model-perfect King Owen is broken by grief and guilt, the Order has little faith in her, and the malevolenci are worse than ever.Eight alt-Esmes preceded her. Eight lost their lives. Can Esme use her unique gifts to master this world’s magic? If she can’t, the consequences might be more devastating than Owen is willing to say.


*Wishing Shelf Book Awards Finalist 2018
"Sure to delight fans of alternate worlds" -- Hidden Gems
" Alterni is a gripping read, an engrossing fantasy that explores the proverbial struggle between the forces of good and evil, crafted with characters that readers will love. Great pacing, a dizzying climax, and a satisfying end!" -- Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite
" Alterni is spellbinding, the kind of book you finish reading and feel like you have just woken up from an incredible dream." - - Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite
"Alterni shows magnificent world building, structure, and storytelling, all of which add to a sense of realism behind the fantasy plot. I rarely recommend books, but this is one book that gets my unquestioning recommendation to anyone looking for a good read. Alterni is filled with suspense, action, intrigue, heartbreak, magic, conflict, mystery and so much more, all while taking you on a thrilling journey of growth and change. There are a lot of subtle touches and unexpected revelations, this is a book that will not leave you wanting. It has definitely made its way into my top personal ten books for this year." -- K.J. Simmill, author of* The Forgotten Legacies

From the Author

The Alt-World Chronicles: The Eighth Alterni Malevolenci Origini

About the Author

Sunshine Somerville is a Science Fantasy author who loves blending genres. She has a degree in English Literature and self-published her first book at the ripe old age of nine. Currently she lives on the beachy side of Michigan with her husband, two fur babies, and two human daughters.

THE KOTA SERIES is a Science Fantasy epic based on youthful obsessions with X-Men, Star Wars, The Chronicles of Narnia, Dark Angel, and A Wrinkle in Time.

THE ALT-WORLD CHRONICLES is an Urban Fantasy series inspired by weird recurring dreams, a brainstorming session in the shower, and one ridiculously hot summer lived in Kansas City.

A FAIRLY FAIRY TALE is Sunshine's first Middle Grade Fantasy book. She got the idea from her family's crest, which portrays a dragon shooting flames from both ends, and from a niece whose second favorite word is farts.

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