
Sunshine Somerville

Book 3 of The Alt-World Chronicles

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Jan 1, 2018

Pages: 310


Some love heals. Some love consumes. Which love wins?

Learning the truth about the malevolenci war changes everything. The fairies, jinn, and vampires have already rebelled, and now zealots threaten to go a step further by siding with the enemy. Traitors are everywhere. Covert plots disrupt centuries of peace. Those still loyal to the Order must end the war quickly, or else there won’t be an Order left to save.
For Esme, their greatest ally’s reappearance is soul-shaking. She knows they must work together, but what does this mean for Esme and Owen’s relationship? And what is Esme’s place now that she’s not this world’s only protector? Do they even need her anymore…or want her?
By invading the heart of the malevolenci world, Esme and Owen have a chance to end this war once and for all. Their elite cavali team is ready to face the dangers of the demons’ hellscape, but the greatest threat is one they never see coming.


★★★★★ "What a story. Fairies, Jinn and vampires have rebelled. This story just moves along at a surprising speed. At each chapter, things happen that you don't anticipate which makes for awesome reading. " -- Goodreads Review

From the Author

The Alt-World Chronicles: The Eighth Alterni Malevolenci Origini

About the Author

Sunshine Somerville is a Science Fantasy author who loves blending genres. She has a degree in English Literature and self-published her first book at the ripe old age of nine. Currently she lives on the beachy side of Michigan with her husband, two fur babies, and two human daughters.

THE KOTA SERIES is a Science Fantasy epic based on youthful obsessions with X-Men, Star Wars, The Chronicles of Narnia, Dark Angel, and A Wrinkle in Time.

THE ALT-WORLD CHRONICLES is an Urban Fantasy series inspired by weird recurring dreams, a brainstorming session in the shower, and one ridiculously hot summer lived in Kansas City.

A FAIRLY FAIRY TALE is Sunshine's first Middle Grade Fantasy book. She got the idea from her family's crest, which portrays a dragon shooting flames from both ends, and from a niece whose second favorite word is farts.

See more at SunshineSomerville.com