The Forbidden Tomb

Chris Kuzneski

Book 2 of The Hunters

Language: English

Publisher: Headline

Published: Jan 1, 2014

Pages: 432


THE TREASURE: For nearly two thousand years, the legendary tomb of Alexander the Greatand the extraordinary riches concealed withinhas remained undiscovered, but recent events may hold the key to locating the fabled vault. Only one team has what it takes to solve the mystery that has plagued historians for centuries.

THE MISSION: The Huntersan elite group assembled by an enigmatic billionaire to locate the worlds greatest treasuresare tasked with finding the tomb. Following clues to Alexandria, they encounter hostile forces that will do anything to stop them. Before long, the treasure hunt becomes a deadly rescue mission that will take the lives of hundreds and leave a city in ruins.

THE PRIZE: As the danger continues to mount, will the Hunters rise to the challenge? Or will the team be killed before they find the ultimate prize?


STEVE BERRY, #1 international bestselling author Kuzneski does it again with another terrific tale, filled with action and suspense, bringing the unimaginable to life. Definitely my kind of series!

SCOTT MARIANI, #1 international bestselling author THE HUNTERS kicks off a brilliant new series from Chris Kuzneski. Adventure, history, mystery, and moreeverything youd want in a thriller!

BOYD MORRISON, #1 international bestselling author
If Indiana Jones joined the crew of Mission: Impossible, youd get the action, history, and wicked sense of humor in THE HUNTERS. With a thrill ride that pins you to your seat until the very last page, Chris Kuzneski sets a new standard for adventure.


JAMES PATTERSON, #1 international bestselling author
Chris Kuzneskis writing has the same raw power as the early Stephen King.

CLIVE CUSSLER, #1 international bestselling author
Chris Kuzneski writes as forcefully as his tough characters act.

NELSON DEMILLE, #1 international bestselling author
Chris Kuzneski is a remarkable new writer, who completely understands what makes for a good story: action, sex, suspense, humor, and great characters.

VINCE FLYNN, #1 international bestselling author
Chris Kuzneski is a master in the making.

JAMES ROLLINS, #1 international bestselling author
Chris Kuzneski writes with an energy that is contagious! Action, suspense, mystery, and a biting thread of humor.... What more can you ask from a novel?

LISA GARDNER, #1 international bestselling author
Kuzneski has mastered the art of the quest novel, bringing to life lost treasures, exotic locales, and fresh conspiracies, as his heroes rely on their elite skills to slay bad guys, solve riddles, and save the day.

DOUGLAS PRESTON, #1 international bestselling author
Chris Kuzneski is a master storyteller who never disappoints.