Jack Dalton, Monster Hunter #7

T. S. Paul

Book 7 of Jack Dalton, Monster Hunter

Language: English

Published: Dec 16, 2018

Pages: 45


It's not who I am that matters, but what I do that counts.
My name is Jack and I'm a monster hunter.
J Edgar Hoover himself gave me this job and I intend to do to the best of my ability. In 1914, monsters know as paranormals, were found to be living among us as regular people. Treaties were made, reservations created, and wars were fought. In the United States you either joined some form of Government service or kept your head down. There are good people and there are bad people no matter what kind you are, human or paranormal. My job is to police the paranormal. But I'm one man in an entire country. How much good can I do?

In Jack's seventh adventure he finds himself in Nashville, Tennessee. A group of very important paranormals are missing and if he doesn't find them, it could mean war!