Draft of Dragons

T. S. Paul

Book 9 of The Federal Witch

Language: English

Publisher: Barnes & Noble

Published: Jan 1, 2019

Pages: 246


Suspended for political reasons Agatha and her team have returned to her home to rest and recuperate. But still another war looms on the horizon. The Draconic Empire is making it's move towards earth. They've worked behind the scenes to disrupt any and all that stand before them. But Agatha is still alive and she and the Blackmore Coven are prepared. Whatever comes through the Garden Gate will trigger a war. Is America and Earth ready for it?

Suspended for political reasons Agatha and her team have returned to her home to rest and recuperate. But still another war looms on the horizon. The Draconic Empire is making it's move towards earth. They've worked behind the scenes to disrupt any and all that stand before them. But Agatha is still alive and she and the Blackmore Coven are prepared. Whatever comes through the Garden Gate will trigger a war. Is America and Earth ready for it?

מאת המחבר

Chuck Winthrop wasn't the smartest man in the world sometimes, but when your Pack leader,the woman you'd been pining for, calls you and says it's an emergency, you haul ass to get there!
"Excuse me! Watch out!" Chuck called out as he ran at top human speed from the forensics lab on the far side of the campus. Without thinking, he dropped the phone into his pocket, shoved his papers and books into his bag, and took off. Taking his car never even entered his mind.
To a Were, running a full mile was like walking to the mailbox. For humans, the average time is about ten minutes. The record, set in the 1970s, is three minutes, forty-three-seconds. That is near superhuman. Chuck was trying to beat that time all on his own without pausing for anyone in his way.
Leaping a bench with people sitting on it, Chuck barely paused. His brain and Pack sense were screaming at him to move it!
"Hey! Watch where the hell you're going!" a fellow student cried out as he brushed past him at what felt like ninety miles an hour.
All Chuck could feel was the wind in his face, his backpack flapping against him, and the concrete under his feet. Every species of Were had some sort of affinity. Werewolves had the scent tracking thing down better than just about everyone. The Bears, all types, were massive and strong. Nobody messed with them if they could help it.The various rodent Weres were quick and extremely sneaky. The various military and secret organizations around the world loved recruiting them for spy or intelligence operations. He'd only met one Wereshark in his lifetime. On land,they only had the strength that most Weres sported. At sea, however, they were fierce and extremely violent hunters. Werecats could hunt, stalk, and fight like their lives depended on it. Chuck's own people were a combination of bears, wolves, and rodents.
Bouncing from pathway to pathway Chuck raced across the quad and into Agatha's dormitory."Chuck, you need to sign in," one of the resident attendants yelled as he flew by.
Taking the stairs four at a time he went up all three flights in less than ten seconds. Agatha's door was locked, but it was nothing an application of Were strength couldn't fix. Like tissue paper, the knob ripped free and the door flew open. Chuck looked inside and two very surprised faces looked back at him.
"Ah, oops?" Cat said.

Both Cat and I learned a valuable lesson from that little mishap. Pack powers are not to be taken lightly.
Meditation. Time to free your soul from the body and relax. I took another deep breath and closed my eyes. Muttering to myself, I commented, "Inner peace."
"What'cha doing?"Fergus asked.
"Inner peace," I grimaced.
I heard a small thump and could feel tiny hooves on my knee. "Isn't that the movie where that guy gets really small and drives around in a spaceship like thing?"
Opening one I eye, I looked down at Fergus, my unicorn. "You're thinking of Inner Space."
Fergus hopped to my other knee. "You sure? I thought it was peace. Maybe that was that one about the panda."
"Panda?" I asked.Both eyes were open now as I watched him.
"You know. With the talking animals. The monkey is my favorite. She's hot," Fergus explained.
I unfolded my legs,tossing Fergus aside. "We're done here. The moment you start talking about fictional cartoon animals who use kung fu is where I get off this train."

"You've seen it!Which one is your favorite?" Fergus asked as he jumped up and down.

מתוך דש הספר

Books in the Series: 0. Born a Witch...Drafted by the FBI!1. Conjuring Quantico2. Magical Probi2.5 Cats Night Out3. Special Agent in Charge4. Witness Enchantment4.5 Darkness Revealed The Owl of Athena Books 1. The Path to Otherwhere2. The Origin of the Library3. Emesh -Coming Soon5. Night of the Unicorn6. Invisible Elder7. Blood on the Moon Arcane Books 1. False Gods2. Path to Hell3. Dixie Strike -Coming Soon8. Child of Darkness9. Draft of Dragons 10. Death Awaits -Coming Soon

מתוך גב הספר

This is the smaller mass market sized edition. The larger 6x9 format book can be found here. amazon.com/dp/1949681106