Remembrance Wall

Taki Drake

Book 5 of Badger Hole Bar

Language: English

Publisher: All Chaos Press

Published: Sep 2, 2019

Pages: 135


Life is messy. We take the information that we have at the moment, and we make decisions. Sometimes that choice results in loss and regret.

Madrik and his crew are working on getting the BHB operational. Unfortunately, the day before the Grand Opening, the building with a mind of its own decides to add a new room. Brick walls and floors, smooth stones set in the walls. No one seems to have a clue what’s going on.

Then people start wandering in. Some in sorrow, some in a celebration of life, they each want to leave something at the Remembrance Wall.

Because who else can you trust to hold your treasured memories?

From the Author

Enjoy the adventure.

About the Author

B B Kern is an American writer, poet, and blogger. Raised in rural Western Pennsylvania, Kern attended a small, relatively insignificant liberal arts college in a small, mostly insignificant town.

Kern writes thrillers, fantasy, science fiction, and drama for a growing global audience. Along with three cats, two dogs, and fourteen goats, Kern lives in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains and can regularly be seen hiking the Appalachian Trail, where most good story ideas are born.