Social Combat

Taki Drake & Paul C. Middleton

Book 5 of The Unfettered Mage

Language: English

Publisher: All Chaos Press

Published: Jan 1, 2020

Pages: 196


Not all combat is conducted with blades and projectiles.

The change from endangered slave to a powerful Mage living in a world of aristocracy and Machiavellian strategies has been a challenge that sometimes feels overwhelming to Ruth Cavanaugh. The alteration in her life is straining her abilities in every dimension.

Working on her mental and physical healing from her abduction and harrowing loss, Ruth continues to settle into her relationship with Pawlik, a powerful nobleman of the Alliance world of Arkken. Struggling to grow into the power of her new abilities, the woman who is mother, grandmother, mate, and Mage is learning as fast as she can.

When attacks come from many directions, Ruth has to depend on her inner stubbornness and the strength that she developed growing up on what everyone in her new world thinks of as a backwater planet and primitive culture. A planet called Earth.

While sometimes attacks and ambushes are delivered with polite smiles and smooth words, Ruth would prefer to fight with honest steel and magic. Unfortunately, the Unfettered Mage does not always get to choose. She will just have to keep learning enough to survive.

Too bad there are only 28 hours in a day.