To Spin a Thread

Taki Drake

Book 6 of Badger Hole Bar

Language: English

Publisher: All Chaos Press

Published: Jan 1, 2021

Pages: 37


It is relaxation time at the Badger Hole Bar! The usual crowd is rolling in, and Madrik and his crew look forward to a night of convivial entertainment. When, for the first time that anyone can remember, all three of the doors to the BHB open simultaneously, the BHB’s Anchor knows that something weird will happen. However, nothing could have prepared him for what is going down!

If it were a comedian’s joke, it would start something like this… “A soccer grandma, an ice maiden, and a cougar walked into a bar….”

All is not fun and games when the tradition of In Memorium reminds everyone of the importance of acknowledging those that have sacrificed for us, paved the way, and woven intense memories of comfort and love into the fabric of our being.