

Book 2 of Shattered System

Language: English

Publisher: Aethon Books

Published: Aug 17, 2023

Pages: 442


Death comes for all – even the gods.

Knells plan’s have begun to come together. His crew grows larger and more powerful with every passing day, and rumors of Captain Sorfina’s death have already started to spread – but not all attention is beneficial.

A group who have lurked in the shadows for centuries are moving once more, and their leader’s motives are just as shrouded as their past.

More pieces enter the board of looming war, and Knell’s crew finds itself at the center of everything, whether they want to be or not.

Knell is determined to stay one step ahead of his opponents, but he’s never faced anything like this.
He’s been preparing to deal with the Fragments since he was a child, but some of the eyes watching him don’t belong to gods.

They belong to something much older.