

Book 4 of My Best Friend is an Eldritch Horror

Language: English

Publisher: Aethon Books

Published: Jun 20, 2023

Pages: 382


The war between the Void and the Corruption rages on.

Damien and Sylph demolished the competition in the Kingsfront Interschool Tournament, taking home first and second place. Now, summer is upon them, bringing with it the promise of a much needed break.

Second isn’t content to sit around while they relax, and he isn't the only one scheming. While he works in the shadows, It Who Stills the Seas has vanished, leaving Damien and his friends beset by enemies on all sides.

At the same time, school life in Blackmist holds even more challenges. New faces arrrive, and they bring with them a threat that Damien had never expected.

There are too many moving parts to count, but they’re all slowly ticking away to the beat of Second’s plans. Damien is determined to stop Second – but handling an ancient evil might not be much easier than passing his next year at Blackmist.