The Puppet Master

John Dalmas

Language: English

Publisher: Baen

Published: Oct 1, 2001

Pages: 382


The Private Eye had a Mind of His Own

"An outstanding writer." — C. J. Cherryh

In an alternate time line, a breakthrough in basic physics has catapulted technology centuries ahead in only a few years. Everyday life has become very different, but crime always goes on, and criminals have found new ways to steal and murder and cover their tracks. It hasn't made life any easier for private eye Martti Seppanen, in a Los Angeles that Philip Marlowe would barely recognize.

Murder is still murder, but the weapon may be a bioengineered disease, the murderer may be someone who can control other people mentally, and the victim may be someone whose legal status as a human is in limbo, and whose existence is a government secret. But when Seppanen is on the case, it gets solved, with legwork, with muscle, and often with the help of some unusual friends-one of them much more than a friend-with their own very unusual mental powers.

Praise for John Dalmas:

"Dalmas is a polished and inventive writer." -Spider Robinson

"An outstanding science fiction novelist.." -Rave Reviews

"He creates a variety of believable and interesting characters and involves them in a story that will keep the reader guessing-and turning pages-to the very end." -West Coast Review of Books