The Regiment: A Trilogy

John Dalmas

Book 0 of The Regiment

Language: English

Publisher: Baen

Published: Jan 5, 2003

Pages: 751


The Planet Tyss has Only One Resource: Soldiers.
But They are Very Good Soldiers . . .

Three Complete Novels in the Popular Regiment Series in One Volume

The planet Tyss is so poor that it has only one exportable resource: its fighting men. Each year three regiments are sent forth into the galaxy. Hiring their services is very expensive, but well worth it, for the Tyss secret training makes their soldiers into mystic warriors, irresistible in battle. And when they offered to train soldiers from off their planet, the Confederation of Worlds jumped at the chance, using their personnel selection technology to pick the greatest potential warriors out of their planets-wide database of psych profiles. What they didn't know was that the new warriors were soon going to be necessary for the Confederation's very survival—because an invading force from another part of the galaxy is approaching with superior firepower and more advanced technology, and only the secret training of Tyss can give even a slight hope of stopping the invaders.

Publisher's Note: This MegaBook was previously published as the separate novels The Regiment, The White Regiment, and The Regiment's War.

"An outstanding writer." — C. J. Cherryh

"A polished and inventive writer." — Spider Robinson

"An outstanding science fiction novelist." — Rave Reviews

"He creates a variety of believable and interesting characters and involves them in a story that will keep the reader guessing—and turning pages—to the very end." — West Coast Review of Books