
Dennis Vanderkerken & Dakota Krout

Book 16 of Artorian's Archives

Language: English

Publisher: Mountaindale Press

Published: Nov 15, 2023

Pages: 473


The Amanecida Gate is open. Blessed fresh air! Why are there no people? Artorian's stroll onto Earth is cut short by a dagger in the back. Dealing with an unjust loss, he's torn between mourning what was lost, and plotting a deviously calculated revenge. An eye for an eye, a stab for a stab. It's time to roll up those sleeves, whip out the master plan, and get down to crafting the narrative.Preparations must be made to return all that is Cultivator, to a world neither ready, nor adapted for them. With a status quo that not everyone is happy with. The factions of old bristle and rise. Hidden enemies reveal themselves. Odin laughs, and brings a final surprise. Grandpa, the Grand Architect, will accomplish an impossible, single minded goal.Thunder will die, and Apollo will kick him out of the sky.