
Kelly Martin

Book 2 of Heartless

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Jan 30, 2016

Pages: 238


How do you fight feelings you shouldn't have?

Hope and love are the two worst 4-letter words in the human language. Hope destroys lives. Love destroys the world. Gracen Sullivan isn't crazy. She wishes she was. That would mean all of the evil going on around her-- because of her-- wouldn't be happening.She wouldn't need the demon blood.She wouldn't be scared to go home.And she wouldn't be having any sort of feelings for the demon, Hart Blackwell.Hope and love are all she has left. Hope and love will destroy everything. Even a love she never saw coming.

SOULLESS is the second book in the Angels and Demons series. A spine-tingling supernatural suspense that will have you reading between your fingers one minute and enthralled with the mystery and romance the next. If you like heart-pounding paranormal stories, characters you'll love, and a mystery with a twist you won't see coming, you'll love SOULLESS by Kelly Martin. For fans of Darcy Coates, Wendy Wang, and Simone St. James.

The Angels and Demons series is complete on Amazon. All books are in Kindle Unlimited (KU)





