Cold Fire

Tamora Pierce

Book 3 of Circle Opens

Language: English

Published: Mar 2, 2003


Part of the 8-book Tamora Pierce reissue for Fall 2006, this title in the Circle Opens quartet features spellbinding new cover art. Coincides with the release of WILL OF THE EMPRESS in trade pb.

Daja and Frostpine expect to have a peaceful winter's visit with old friends in Kugisko, a port in the vast empire of Namon. But there is no peace when mysterious fires begin to blaze across the vulnerable city. Daja assists Bennat Ladradun, a local firefighter with a tragic past, to fight the flames. The two become fast friends-until they realize the fires have been deliberately set, and their relationship is deeply tested. Daja's magic helps her track down the firestarter, but no magic can protect her or Ben from the effects of madness and betrayal.


Readers who have followed the fortunes of Daja and her foster siblings in Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic and The Circle Opens sequences will not be disappointed by this continuation of Daja's adventures as a smith-mage.

As her foster siblings, Sandry and Briar, struggle with their reluctant apprentices ( Magic Steps , Street Magic ), Daja and her teacher, Frostpine, settle into the northern Namornean city of Kugisko for a restful winter break. Not surprisingly, their illusions are promptly shattered, as Daja discovers that the twin daughters of her host have "ambient magic."

As the discovering-mage, Daja is obliged to teach the fidgety girls the rudiments of magic. Meanwhile, Kugisko seems to have fallen into the hands of a ruthless arsonist, and Daja is determined to help her new firefighting friend, Bennat Ladradun, get to the bottom of the mystery.

As always, Pierce's writing is both personable and thrilling. Daja, a strapping, dark-skinned 14-year-old, is tremendously genuine; her powers seem to reflect inner strength rather than an arbitrary gift. An excellent, many-layered read. (Ages 9 and older) --Emilie Coulter