Wild Cards: Inside Straight

George R. R. Martin

Book 18 of Wild Cards

Language: English

Publisher: George Martin

Published: Jan 1, 2008

Pages: 530


Montana Slim plays Seven Card Stud in Las Vegas. A player fills a longshot draw to an inside straight and is accused of hand mucking. He responds with uncanny stories which put the other players on tilt, as well as the casino management. A proposition bet and a series of escalating arguments cause an official inquiry involving truth serum, hypnosis and expert interrogation techniques.

From Publishers Weekly

The newest Wild Cards mosaic novel marks a new beginning for the long-running saga. Veteran contributors such as Melinda M. Snodgrass and John Jos. Miller and newcomers like Carrie Vaughn and S.L. Farrell create a new generation of fantastical characters, including Jonathan Hive, who can transform himself into a swarm of wasps, and the six-armed, tattooed giant Drummer Boy. Twenty-eight superhuman aces are cast in a new reality show called American Hero. As the contestants compete in staged challenges and systematically get voted off amid Hollywood-fueled melodrama, horrific events in the Middle East bring to light the glaring unreality of reality television. When the show reaches its climactic final episode, some of the contestants decide to forsake the trappings of fame and fortune and become real-life heroes. The first volume of a projected trilogy, this fast-paced and sardonic story will appeal to comic book aficionados and heroic fantasy fans alike. (Jan.)
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"The shared-world series known as Wild Cards has had a long and illustrious history of contributors and achievements."  --SciFi.com