Call to Arms

W.E.B. Griffin

Book 2 of Corps

Language: English

Publisher: Jove

Published: Sep 2, 1987


The attack on Pearl Harbor swept America into the raging heart of the war. The stormy South Pacific presented a daring new challenge, and the men of the Corps were ready to fight. An elite fraternity united by a glorious tradition of courage and honor, the Marine Raiders were bound to a triumphant destiny. Now, the bestselling author of the acclaimed BROTHERHOOD OF WAR saga continues the epic story begun in Semper Fi. A story of lovers and fighters, leaders and heroes--the men of the United States Marine Corps...

From the Publisher

10 1.5-hour cassettes

About the Author

W. E. B. Griffin is the author of six bestselling series: The Corps, Brotherhood of War, Badge of Honor, Men at War, Honor Bound, and Presidential Agent.