Attack the Geek

Michael R. Underwood

Book 2.5 of Ree Reyes

Language: English

Publisher: Pocket Star

Published: Apr 7, 2014

Pages: 158


A side quest novella in the bestselling Geekomancy urban fantasy series--when D&D style adventures go from the tabletop to real life, look out!

Ree Reyes, urban fantasy heroine of Geekomancy, is working her regular barista/drink-slinger shift at Grognard's when it all goes wrong. Everything.

As with Geekomancy (pop culture magic!) and its sequel Celebromancy (celebrity magic!), Attack of the Geek is perfect for anyone who wants to visit a world "where all the books and shows and movies and games [that you] love are a source of power, not only in psychological terms, but in practical, villain-pounding ones" (Marie Brennan, award-winning author of A Natural History of Dragons).



Praise for the Ree Reyes series:

GEEKOMANCY is a glorious blender of genres, like a sweet candy shell filled with pop culture and high heroism. Absolutely stellar.
- Seanan McGuire, New York Times bestselling author of Discount Armageddon

If Buffy hooked up with Doctor Who while on board the Serenity, this book would be their lovechild. In other words, GEEKOMANCY is full of epic win.
- Marie Lu, author of the Legend trilogy

If you took wish-fulfillment, ground it into a powder, and shot twice the recommended dosage into your eye socket, the result would look a lot like GEEKOMANCY. I want to live in this world, where all the books and shows and movies and games I love are a source of power, not only in psychological terms, -- which they already are -- but practical, villain-pounding ones.
- Marie Brennan, award winning author of the Onyx Court series.

Modern, sleek, and whip-smart, GEEKOMANCY is a wonderful blend of geek and pop culture -- you'll find yourself grinning knowingly at least every other page. And Ree is the perfect protagonist to navigate Geekomancy's world -- geek enough to hold her own, yet human enough for me to be deeply invested in her struggles. I can't wait to read the next one!
- Cassie Alexander, author of NIGHTSHIFTED

Underwood's Geek Fu is strong-and he's not afraid to use it. GEEKOMANCY is fun, fresh and full of geek culture references that will have you LOLing to the very last page. This book is one hundred percent pure awesomesauce and totally FTW.
- Mari Mancusi, award winning author of The Blood Coven Vampire series

From the Author

This book is part of the Ree Reyes Geekomancy series, where love of SF/F, comics, and video games is a magic system. Join Ree as she discovers the weird and wonderful magical sub-cultures of her city and uses her geekdom to save lives and fight monsters of all sorts.

A great read for fans of Ready Player OneLibriomancerBuffy, and Clerks. 

Ree Reyes Series order:

1 - Geekomancy -

2 - Celebromancy -

3 - Attack the Geek -

4 - Hexomancy -

For information about the Ree Reyes series and more, sign up for Mike's readers's list at the link below. Thank you, and geek on!

Ree Reyes, urban fantasista and Geekomancer extraordinaire, is working her regular drink-slinger shift at Grognard's bar-and-gaming salon when everything goes wrong. The assorted magic wielders of the city's underground have come to test their battle skills via RPGs like D&D, V:TES, White Wolf, and the like. All the usuals are there: her ex-mentor Eastwood, Drake (the man-out-of-time adventurer), and, of course, Grognard himself (her boss and a brewer of beer that act as magic potions). However, it's the presence of these and other “usuals” that makes all the trouble. For, a nemesis from Eastwood and Ree's past decides to finally take her revenge not just on those two, but on every self-styled “hero” in the city who happens to have crossed her at one point or another. When wave after wave of monsters besiege Grogrnard's store, if Ree & Co. are going to survive, they're going to have to work together. And avoid the minotaur. That's always a good rule of thumb.

Ree Reyes, urban fantasista and Geekomancer extraordinaire, is working her regular drink-slinger shift at Grognard's bar-and-gaming salon when everything goes wrong. The assorted magic wielders of the city's underground have come to test their battle skills via RPGs like D&D, V:TES, White Wolf, and the like. All the usuals are there: her ex-mentor Eastwood, Drake (the man-out-of-time adventurer), and, of course, Grognard himself (her boss and a brewer of beer that act as magic potions). However, it's the presence of these and other “usuals” that makes all the trouble. For, a nemesis from Eastwood and Ree's past decides to finally take her revenge not just on those two, but on every self-styled “hero” in the city who happens to have crossed her at one point or another. When wave after wave of monsters besiege Grogrnard's store, if Ree & Co. are going to survive, they're going to have to work together. And avoid the minotaur. That's always a good rule of thumb.