City of the Dead

John Whitman

Book 2 of Star Wars: Galaxy of Fear

Language: English

Publisher: Skylark

Published: Jan 2, 1997


Hoole, Zak, and Tash have come to the planet Necropolos, hoping to buy a new ship to replace the Lightrunner. Necropolos is kind of creepy--it has the biggest cemetery in the galaxy, which doesn't exactly make it much of a tourist spot. When nefarious bounty hunter Boba Fett comes into town, claiming that people he has killed in Necropolos have come back to life, Zak and Tash know something very weird is going on. Zak accepts a dare to go into the Necropolos cemetery at midnight. But maybe he should have thought twice. Just because the bodies are buried, that doesn't mean they're dead.
