Wolf Star

R.M. Meluch

Book 2 of Tour of the Merrimack

Language: English

Publisher: DAW Books

Published: Dec 15, 2006


Set in the distant future, when Earth and her colony worlds have long been at war with the forces of the Palatine Empire - an offshoot Eart culture that bases its values, civilization and military structure on those of the Roman Empire - 'Wolf Star' opens at the crucial moment in the struggle between these two opposing empires.

The Earth space forces, spearheaded by the United States, hace long retained and advantage over the Romans through a 'sling-shot' technology that permits them to cross the vast distances between two crucial space stations, totally bypassing Palatine territory. But rumors abound that the Romans have almost succeeded in the completion of their own equivalent of Earth's stations. If this is true it means they will be able to catapult their fleets beyond the reach of Earth's forces, immediately laying claim to numerous areas of disputed territory.

To find the secret bases and halt construction of the catapults, Earth has assigned the pride of the US Space fleet, the two sister battle class starships, the USS Merrimack and the USS Monitor, to seek out and destroy the palatine stations before they become fully operational.

Now, the Merrimack has located a Roman Convoy that they believe is the key to the success of their mission. But unbeknownst to Captain Farragut and his crew, the Roman convoy is not quite what it appears to be, and this cunning enemy has a secret plan of attack. Yet even if they escape the forces bearing down on them, it is only the opening salvo in a whole new stage of the Earth/Palatine conflict.