Steampunk International

Ian Whates

Language: Portuguese

Publisher: NewCon Press

Published: Jan 1, 2018


An anthology showcasing the very best steampunk stories from three different countries released by three different publishers in three different languages.

From the UK, George Mann (a new Newbury & Hobbes tale), Jonathan Green (a new Pax Brittania tale), and Derry O'Dowd; from Finland, Magdalena Hai (winner of the Atorox Award and the Finnish Literary Export Prize), multiple award-winning Anne Leinonen, and J.S. Meresmaa (whose work has been shortlisted for the Anni Polva, Kuvastaja, and Atorox Awards); and from Portugal, Anton Stark, Diana Pinguicha, and Pedro Cipriano (winner of Forum Fantastico's Choice of the Year Award).

Introduction by Ian Whates
Steampunk UK
Seasons of Wither - George Mann
Reckless Engineering - Jonathan Green
The Athenian Dinner Party - Derry O'Dowd
Steampunk Finland
Foreword by J.S. Meresmaa
The Winged Man Isaac - Magdalena Hai
The Cylinder Hat - Anne Leinonen
Augustine - J.S. Meresmaa
Steampunk Portugal
Foreword by Pedro Cipriano
Videri Quam Esse - Anton Stark
The Desert Spider - Pedro Cipriano
Heart of Stone - Diana Pinguicha