The Arkana War

James David Victor

Book 2 of ESS Space Marines

Language: English

Published: Nov 9, 2020


Stranded in a nebula. Conspirators within. Experimental secret weapons. One of them will tip the balance of the Arkana War.

A military sci-fi adventure from Amazon All-Star author James David Victor

Sergeant Andrea "Andy" Dolan and her squad of Space Marines have fought the Arkana tooth and nail. Now, they will face conspirators within, being stranded, and experimental weapons that never work exactly as intended. She will even meet her alien father, at long last. Can the ESS Space Marines turn the tide in favor of humanity or will the Arkana move closer to their goal of galactic domination?

The Arkana War is the second book in the ESS Space Marines series. If you like fast paced space adventures with engaging, and quirky, characters, you will love Andy and the ESS Space Marines.

Download The Arkana War and get started on your next space adventure today!