Brimstone Dreams

Joseph Nassise & Joe McKinney & Simon Wood & Nate Kenyon & Jeremy C. Shipp & Kealan Patrick Burke & Scott Nicholson & Lisa Morton

Language: English

Publisher: Harbinger Books

Published: Jan 1, 2011


A collection of spine-tingling tales of horror and the supernatural from the internationally bestselling author of the Templar Chronicles series.


Carrion Man - When the circus comes to town and children begin to disappear, the police turn to Grayson Shaw, a man whose affinity for the living is surpassed only by his affinity for the dead.

Becoming Michael - Sometimes it not whether you win or lose that matters, but what side you chose when its time to play the game.

Down Among the Bosnian Dead - In the killing fields and mass graves of Bosnia, Sgt, Michael Raines discovers that sometimes dead don't rest as quietly as we might like them to.

Roadside Memorials - Driver Martin Jones discovers that there's more to those impromptu roadside memorials than he ever imagined.

Siren Call - From the depths of an alien ocean comes a call of haunting beauty and terrible consequence.

Money Well Earned - A killer for hire who has had his fair share of unique assignments finds himself confronted with his strangest yet.

In the Eye of the Beholder - They say that art is in the eye of the beholder, but painter Kensington Wales takes that saying a bit more literally than most.

The Urge - How far would you go to put a terrible injustice to rights?

Saintkiller - The sudden appearance of stigmata on the hands of Detective Michael Stone causes him to question both his faith and his purpose, especially when each episode is accompanied by the death of an innocent...

This Cleansing Fire - the first appearance of Knight Commander Cade Williams and the men of the Echo Team combat unit, featured in the bestselling series The Templar Chronicles.