A Tear in the Sky

Joseph Nassise

Book 3 of Templar Chronicles

Language: English

Publisher: Harbinger Books

Published: Sep 4, 2012


As a Massachusetts State Police officer, Cade used to spend his time hunting criminals until the day an encounter with a fallen angel changed his world forever.  Now he commands the Echo Team, a special ops squad of modern Templar knights, and the things they hunt are far darker and much deadlier...

Cade William is having a bad day.

All he wants to do is rescue his wife's disembodied soul from the clutches of the fallen angel who holds her captive deep in the heart of that flip-side of reality known as the Beyond.

Standing in his way is an army of Chiang Shih - Chinese vampyres with a taste for human flesh - and what seems like half the spectres this side of hell. Never mind the Adversary himself.

Cade's not worried, though. He's got the Echo Team at his back.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Knight Commander, and together he and the Echo Team intend to kick some angel ass!

Interview with the Author

Q: What makes the Templar Chronicles series so interesting?

A: It's a combination of things, in my view. The series features modern Templar Knights acting as a secret combat squad for the Vatican, protecting mankind from supernatural threats and enemies. It is part urban fantasy series, part paranormal mystery series, and part supernatural or occult crime series. Think SWAT meets Supernatural mixed with The Walking Dead and you've got it in one!

Q: Is there a particular order that the book should be read in?

A: While each book can stand alone as a complete order, I do think readers will get more enjoyment out of them if they follow this sequence:

  • The Heretic
  • A Scream of Angels
    -The Hungry Dark (eNovella #2)
    -A Tear in the Sky
  • Infernal Games
  • Judgment Day
  • Fall of Night

If readers want a bit more back story before the events of The Heretic, they can also read Shades of Blood and Darkness (eNovella #1).

Q: What makes the series different from other urban fantasy series?

A: First, it is a bit darker in tone than many of the other popular UF series. For instance, while the humor in Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files or Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicles is often light and comical, the humor in the Templar Chronicles often has a much blacker edge to it. Second, many of the storylines in the Templar series feature action-oriented combat sequences similar to those in the Monster Hunter International or Jane Yellowrock series and this isn't typical for most urban fantasy. Third, unlike many other series on the market today, there isn't much romance here; if you want your hero or heroine hooking up with a hot vampire or shifter, you've definitely come to the wrong place.

Q: To help readers know what the Templar Chronicles are like, what would you compare them to?

A: I think the series is well-suited for fans of the series already mentioned above, as well as those readers who like Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson seires, Kat Richardson's Greywalker series, and Seanan McGuire's October Daye series. Fans of television shows like Supernatural, Grimm, Constantine, True Blood, and Penny Dreadful should also find something of interest here.


From the Author

With over half a million copies downloaded since their initial release, the Templar Chronicles series continue to be a fan favorite among readers of modern fantasy, combining the action of a high-stakes adventure with the sorcery and supernatural creatures of urban fantasy.  The Templar Chronicles book have repeatedly hit the #1 slot in the Horror, Dark Fantasy, and Action Adventure best seller categories.

Praise for the Templar Chronicles
"First-rate, stylish work from Mr. Nassise,with a steady escalation of the story's speed that makes it almost literallybreath-taking." -- Clive Barker

"A breakneck-paced thriller that delivers on the thrills and tosses inmore than a few more chills." -- Kelley Armstrong

"THE HERETIC is a genre-bending thrill ride that heralds the debut of aurban fantasy series to watch...and enjoy." -- Cemetery Dance Magazine

"With HERETIC, Joseph Nassise kicks off his TEMPLAR CHRONICLES infine, swaggering style. This book bobs and weaves like the youngMuhammed Ali, keeping us off-guard and entertained with its everysurprising move." -- Peter Straub

"Nassise offers readers a tightly plotted terse military horrorthriller in 'Heretic'. There's not a whiff of pretension and not anounce of fat here. Just the good old muscles, gore and the terror of asoul in danger." -- The Agony Column

"Hellraiser meets Delta Force by way of George Romero." -- The Trades Entertainment Magazine

From the Inside Flap

Books in the Templar Chronicles series
The Heretic
A Scream of Angels
A Tear in the Sky
Infernal Games
Judgment Day
Fall of Night
Shades of Blood and Darkness (eNovella 1)
The Hungry Dark (eNovella 2)
Templar Chronicles Omnibus 1
Templar Chronicles Omnibus 2