Long Walks, Last Flights & Other Strange Journeys

Ken Scholes

Language: English

Publisher: Fairwood Press

Published: Nov 15, 2008


With these 17 tales, Ken Scholes invites you to his Imagination Forest. You'll find a toy bear of Little Brain tasked with a Very Long Walk and a mysterious metal man with the power to bring down a city and the heart to weep for it. Follow Meriwether Lewis west, seeking the source of a mysterious scrap of currency from the future. Laugh and cry as Andro Giantslayer recounts the highlights of his dungeon-crawling, dragon-slaying and diaper-changing career with Luendyl the Fierce and Fair. Learn exactly how Cain found himself a wife, see what superheroes get up to in their sunset years, and watch Hodgson and Houdini as they traverse the landscape of Hell in search of Michelangelos Crystalline Ear. And along the way, keep your eyes open. You'll meet alien babies, messianic Santas, typing chimps and maybe, if you look carefully, you'll find some off-brand love and a little bit of hope in Drum Farrellys supply room. Buckle up. Hang on. A ride in the Imagination Forest is bound to be a strange journey...

- The Man With Great Despair Behind His Eyes
- Action Team-Ups Number Thirty-Seven
- Soon We Shall All Be Saunders
- A Good Hair Day in Anarchy
- Into the Blank Where Life is Hurled
- The Santaman Cycle
- Hibakusha Dreaming in the Shadowy Land of Death
- One Small Step
- Of Metal Men and Scarlet Thread and Dancing with the Sunrise
- So Sang the Girl Who Had No Name
- Edward Bear and the Very Long Walk
- That Old-Time Religion
- East of Eden and Just a Bit South
- Fearsome Jones’ Discarded Love Collection
- The Doom of Love in Small Spaces
- Smnmer in Paris, Light from the Sky
- Last Flight of the Goddess