Hunting the Corrigan's Blood

Holly Lisle

Book 1 of Cadence Drake

Language: English

Publisher: Baen

Published: Jan 1, 1997

Pages: 312


When independent investigator Cadence Drake and her partner sign on to locate the stolen spaceship Corrigan's Blood, they cannot imagine the trouble they bought. But real monsters acting out Old Earth's fictional past show them a coming future where humans will be just cattle for the new immortals who plan to own them.

In this far-future universe where trillions of humans occupy hundreds of solar systems, and where genetic engineering can make your every dream come true, it's wise to remember that some dream of becoming nightmares.

Five Stars --"If you’re a fan of science fiction, Holly Lisle’s dark SF thriller Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood needs to be on your reading list." Kelly Guerra - Goodreads

Five Stars -- "This book was science fiction at its best. There was adventure and amazing technology and more twists and turns than a roller coaster. I loved the character of Cadence Drake - that girl could really take a licking and keep on ticking. And even when she knows that doing the right thing could lead to tragedy, she does it anyway, because it's the right thing to do." Carol Ward - Goodreads