
Alan Baxter

Book 1 of The Balance

Language: English


Published: Jan 21, 2006


Isiah is having a tough time. The Devil is making his job very difficult.

Samuel Harrigan is a murdering lowlife. He used ancient blood magic to escape a deal with the Devil and now he’s on the trail of a crystal skull that he believes will complete his efforts to evade Lucifer. But Lucifer wants Samuel’s soul for eternity and refuses to wait a second longer for it. Isiah needs Samuel to keep looking for the crystal skull, so he has to protect Sam and keep the Devil at bay. Not for Samuel’s sake, but for all of humanity.

RealmShift is an engrossing Dark Fantasy thriller; a fascinating exploration of the nature of people’s beliefs and their effect on the world around them. Magic, action and intrigue, from dank city streets to the depths of Hell and beyond.

"...a gripping, thought-provoking tale that evokes a strong response within the reader, both on an emotional and an intellectual level. It is a dark fantasy that takes the reader on both an adventure-filled ride, but also a spiritual exploration.... If you like your speculative fiction a little on the dark side, RealmShift is for you."
David Wood, author of Quest and Cibola

"A fast-paced storyline that holds the reader right from the start ... nifty devices galore, from RealmShift to the Balance ... and a no-nonsense story-telling approach that lets the unfolding action speak for itself."
Van Ikin, editor- Science Fiction **


" intriguing read that has stacks of appeal for lovers of dark fantasy and thrillers." - Scenes & Sequels podcast
"...a thoroughly enjoyable and thrilling book--and one that showcases a writer unafraid of throwing universe-sized ideas out there, before nailing them to the page like a pro." - Fantasy Faction

"For lovers of dark fantasies, thrillers or just a bloody good read, this book comes highly recommended." - Book Lover's Club

"RealmShift is phenomenal. If it's not already on your bookshelf it should be." - Midwest Book Review

"RealmShift is a mesmerizing novel that will both entrap and entrance the reader. It is a book to be read slowly in order to discover and savour the subtle messages and twists in it." - Bitten By Books

"An invigorating read that will have thriller fans high fiving each other, and horror fans grooving to the beat." - Scary Minds

"you open this book, and you've punched your one-way ticket aboard a runaway hell train on a raucous ride you'll want never to end." - Horror Bound Magazine


The title draws intrigue. Impressionable cover art, glossed, and a staccato opening - almost literary - clinches it... Twice, ensconced in a tram, reading this 452 page tale, I missed my stop. Isiah, the protagonist is an immortal who detects demon sulphur on Earth. Missions all over the world but now one in his own backyard. Isiah is having one ass of a day... Alan Baxter introduces us to a mystical world, a shadowed realm with forces beyond comprehension or principle... Mr. Baxter writes with conviction; he writes differently rather well... the overall effect, more so for a first time author, is notably fine. Physical and dimensional conflict is one of the best features of the tale. Effortless script makes gullible the reader, carrying him to a destination, any destination, manic laughter fading... Prose flows smoothly, almost poetic. RealmShift is a novel I am loath to put down. A most surprising read. Quite a ride.