The Darkness Drops Again

Christopher L. Bennett

Book 4 of Star Trek: Mere Anarchy

Language: English

Publisher: Star Trek

Published: Jan 1, 2007


**Mere Anarchy

A new six-part epic covering thirty years of Star Trek ® history, continuing with an adventure that takes place between The Motion Picture and The Wrath of Khan !

Book 4: The Darkness Drops Again**

The rebuilding of Mestiko is starting to make progress: the atmosphere is partially restored and Federation scientists are introducing new methods of replenishing the planet's biosphere. But their efforts are being stymied by the growing power of the mar-Attya, who shun all offworlders.

The arrival of the Starship Enterprise under the command of James T. Kirk proves less than fortuitous, as the ship becomes a flashpoint for all of Mestiko's troubles. Now Raya elMora, the leader of the planetary council, finds herself facing exile -- which could spell doom for Mestiko....