Necessary Extremes

David M. Salkin

Language: English

Publisher: Penguin

Published: Oct 2, 2007


Known across Iran as a violent and powerful Mullah, Bijon Mujaharov is in fact a spy for the CIA. With his hateful speeches, he has won the respect of Iran’s leaders—and has gained access to their secrets. Now he has learned a devastating fact: Iran has weapons grade nuclear material—and Israel is their most likely target.

In order to prevent World War III, the CIA must take action from within. Agents Stills and Mackey are sent in to aid Bijon. But the mission is not merely to take out the nukes. They plan to incite an Iranian revolution…


From the Author

This book will read like I got the idea from the newspaper.  Except for one small detail... I wrote the book in 2006 and it was first published in 2007.

I needed a "bad guy":  I picked Iran.
I needed a story: I decided an Iranian nuke was a hot topic.
How would the US react?  I decided inciting a student revolution would be realistic, since we already had two wars going on in the Middle East.
Then, I needed a hero.  So far, he's the only one who hasn't shown up in the headlines.

But maybe he will...