Five Gold Rings

Constance O'Banyon & Stobie Piel & Lynsay Sands & Flora Speer

Language: English

Publisher: Leisure Books

Published: Oct 1, 1999


In the Year of Our Lord, 1135, Menton Castle was the same as any other: It had nobles and minstrels, knights and servants. Yet from the great hall to the scullery there were signs that the house was in an uproar. This Yuletide season was to be one of passion and merriment. The master of the keep had returned.With him had come several travelers, some weary with laughter, some tired of tears. But in all of their stories -- whether lords a'leapin' or maids a'milkin' -- there was one gift that their true loves gave to them. And in the winter moonlight, each of the castle's inhabitants would soon see the magic of the season and the joy that could come from...