The Raven's Warrior

Vincent Pratchett

Language: English

Published: Apr 1, 2013


Bronze Winner – Independent Publisher Book AwardsWinner – 2013 USA Best Book AwardIf Death takes a man it is called fate, when Death leaves a man it is called destiny.Wounded in battle (900 A. D.), a near dead Celtic warrior is taken by Viken raiders and sold into a Baghdad slave market. He is dragged further East, through the desert, into the ‘Middle Kingdom’ where he is bought by a Taoist Priest and his beautiful daughter. Hazy images of silk, herbs, needles, potions and steel, can only lead to one thing, he has been purchased by a wizard and his witch. Arkthar fears for his soul.

Death finds Arkthar’s predicament interesting. “I have heard the delirious ramblings of countless dying minds. I am amused by yours.”

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t take you now. Your life sentence has just begun.”Arkthar’s ‘owners’ become his teachers and then his companions. The priest wizard and his witch daughter heal and teach Arkthar their Eastern ways of medicine, science, war and philosophy.

Under the watchful eye of death, this journey unfolds, as a slave becomes a king, and new root of Arthurian legend takes hold.