Will the Real Abi Saunders Please Stand Up?

Sara Hantz

Language: English

Publisher: Entangled Teen

Published: May 6, 2014


Abi Saunders might be a kickboxing champion, but when it comes to being the center of attention, she’d rather take a roundhouse kick to the solar plexus any day. So when her trainer convinces her to audition to be the stunt double for hot teen starlet Tilly Watson, Abi is shocked—and a little freaked out—when she gets the job.

Being a stunt double is overwhelming, but once the wig and makeup are on, Abi feels like a different person. Tilly Watson, to be exact. And when Tilly’s gorgeous boyfriend, Jon, mistakes Abi for the real star, Abi's completely smitten. In fact, she’s so in love with her new life, it isn’t long before she doesn’t have time for her old one.

But when the cameras are turned off, will she discover running with the Hollywood A-list isn’t quite the glamorous existence she thought it was?



"AbiSaunders is a kickass heroine with a story full of action and heart." -MelissaWalker author of Ashes to Ashes and Small Town Sinners.

"Willthe Real Abi Saunders Please Stand Up delivers the good stuff -kickboxing stunt double, Hollywood A-listers,mistaken identity, romance. This one is a contender!" -Linda Gerber, author of the Lights, Camera, Cassidy series.

"Will the Real Abi Saunders Please Stand Up delivers the perfectone-two punch of coming-of-age tale and Hollywoodmagic in one hit." -Allison Rushby, authorof Being Hartley, the Living Blond Trilogy and Shooting Stars.

About the Author

Sara Hantz comes from the UK and now lives in Australia (via ten years in New Zealand). Sara lectured for many years before deciding to devote more time to her writing and working in the family business. She has two grown-up children and, when not writing or working, she spends more time than most people she knows watching TV--in fact if TV watching were an Olympic sport she'd win gold. She is also the author of In the Blood and The Second Virginity of Suzy Green.