Hannah Grace and the Dragon Codex: Book 1: Hansu Chathri

Roger Ziegler

Language: English

Published: May 3, 2016


Adventure, danger and a sumo wrestling guinea pig await you in this fun, daring adventure.

11 year-old Hannah Grace thinks she's just an ordinary girl. So she's more than a little shocked when her dad tells her she needs to find The Dragon Codex, a secret book of infinite power and, guess what, she better do it before Big Evil find the book and takes over the Universe.

Hannah recruits her besties Gemma and Matthew and together the three friends are thrown into a much larger world of magic and danger. Hannah's got it covered though. Actually, she has no idea what to do, but she's not giving up.

Filled with mysteries, danger and fun, Hannah Grace and The Dragon Codex is about the power of friendship and discovering the power inside you. And how you find gum in the strangest places.