Shadow Prince

Tim Niederriter

Book 2 of Demon Hunter

Language: English

Publisher: Draft2Digital

Published: Jan 1, 2020


Evil awakens in the city.

Catricha has a reputation for skewering her fellow nobles with poetic barbs. She only wants to craft her words before the murder of the prince, and Catricha's husband sparks chaos in the city, and the shadowy killer promises death to whoever would take the throne.

She must solve the crime or face horrors worse than death. Even with famed demon hunters on her side, Catricha fears the worst is on its way.

From palace rooftops to the catacombs' depths, the search for the killer brings peril to them all.

Shadow Prince is the epic sword and sorcery sequel to Demon Scroll, where characters from the first book return and new heroes arise.

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