Shield-Maiden: Under the Thunder Moon

Melanie Karsak

Book 3 of The Road to Valhalla

Language: English

Publisher: Clockpunk Press

Published: Aug 7, 2020

Pages: 392


Under the thunder moon, the war-horn will sound, and Odin’s Valkyrie will rise.

Reunited with Hofund, and with Bolmsö safe from its enemies, Hervor takes her place as jarl. But the All-Father has bigger plans for his favorite shield-maiden. When Hervor learns that Jarl Bjartmar has vowed vengeance on Leif, she knows she must stand by her cousin. To free Dalr, they must enlist the help of old allies, former enemies, and a warrior-priest called the Reindeer King. Together, they will fight to free Dalr.